/ Portfolio / Tesco multiuse kiosk styleguide
Defining an interaction and style guide for kiosk applications

The project engagement

Tesco wanted to place in their stores a touchscreen kiosk which would offer their customers useful and valuable functionalities to help them with their shopping and also introduce them to additional Tesco services. We were tasked to prepare a general interaction and style guidelines document to assist them with designing individual applications.


After doing research into the current state of kiosk design, and touchscreen design we set about designing a modern interface which would serve Tesco's needs. Several different approaches were sketched and presented as ipad prototypes to the client, and using guerilla user testing. Different approaches were tried until we found an approach that worked for users and Tesco. This was then interpreted into a set of interactive guidelines.


Guide was enthusiastically received and will be used to implement kiosk tests in the near future.

Tools used

  • Pencil sketches
  • Paper prototyping
  • omnigraffle
  • iPad prototyping